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So ermöglichst du deinem Pferd einen 24 Stunden staubfreien Heuzugang, ohne Übergewicht zu provozieren.

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Unser HeuToy Heunetz ist die Alternative zu herkömmlichen Heunetzen, Heusäcken und Heuraufen. Es bringt deinem Pferd nicht nur deutlich mehr Spaß, sondern unterstützt die Gesunderhaltung deines Pferdes durch …

... die verlängerte und anpassbare Fresszeit, so dass lebensbedrohliche Koliken vorgebeugt werden können.

… optimal ausgerichtete Fressöffnungen, von denen auch Heustauballergiker profitieren, da sie nicht mehr direkt durch das Heu atmen müssen. 


… eine natürliche Fresshaltung. Unser HeuToy kann in der optimalen Fresshaltung platziert werden, so dass die Speichelproduktion angeregt wird, sich die Kauschläge steigern und dein Pferd schneller satt ist.

Pferd frisst am HeuToy Heunetz
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As a horse owner, you know exactly what your horse likes to do most.!


Constant feed intake is an important, natural fact and contributes significantly to keeping your horse healthy. Unfortunately, today's hay meadows are no longer lean and rich in herbs, but are becoming meadows rich in protein and fructan due to increased fertilization and hay cuttings. This leads to rapid growth, lush greenery and significantly more yield for the farmer, but at the expense of the horses. Who then have to struggle with obesity, laminitis, Cushing's and EMS diseases, for example.

To prevent these diseases, horse owners and stable operators are forced to slow down their hay intake. Hay nets, hay bags, hay racks with a net or even a time-controlled hay rack can now be found in every stable.

Another reason why the constant supply of feed cannot always be guaranteed is the increasing price of hay, which forces many stable operators to reduce the amount of feed. This means that many horses are not provided with enough hay, especially overnight. Feeding breaks that are too long cause the stomach to become too acidic, which can lead to stomach ulcers and life-threatening colic. Signs such as water in the stool or problems with rideability can often be traced back to feeding.

Do these facts also give you a stomach ache? Then our hay bag is your solution, so that you can sleep peacefully and know that your horse is supplied with hay in a species-appropriate and healthy manner for hours. With our HeuToy we offer you an alternative to the hay net and hay rack. We have also created a product that greatly reduces all of the negative properties of conventional “slow feeders”. This includes…


  • the wear and tear of teeth on tightly woven hay nets.

  • the risk of accidents that can arise from climbing in or hooking the hoof.

  • the feeding height, which is usually set too high.

  • inhaling hay dust, which your horse inevitably has to endure when he eats hay.

  • the risk of horse colic.

You can now reduce and improve all of these negative characteristics with our HeuToy!

Tierarzt streichelt ein Pferd


Prevents diseases

Due to the constant feed intake through the hay bag, your horse's stomach is permanently supplied with small amounts of hay. This prevents hyperacidificationeffective and stomach ulcers and life-threatening colic are prevented. Since your horse is eating the food now If you have to work it out, it will be busy eating for hours and with the right amount of hay for your horse. Accordingly, our HeuToy is ideal for easy-feeding horses and can have a positive effect on diseases such as laminitis, Cushing's or EMS.

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Allows dust-free eating

The holes in the body are arranged so that the nostrils are always next to the feeding openings. Thus, in contrast to the hay net, i.eThe inhalation of hay dust is only possible to a great extent and, if necessary, the hay can also be fed wet, as no moisture build-up can form, which promotes rot and bacteria. That's why owners of people who are allergic to hay dust rely on our product and are increasingly reporting itss you can feed your horse dry hay again.

Supports natural eating posture

Our hay bag has an elongated body, which means you can keep the hay close to you You can place the floor. This gives your horse the opportunity to eat in a natural position. The number of chewing strokes is significantly increased, which helps the food to be better salivated and therefore better digested. At the same time, the chewing strokes increase your horse's level of satiety. A huge, widely underestimated advantage is that the teeth are worn at the correct grinding angle, reducing sharp edges and hooks in the horse's mouth. In addition, your horse is gymnastics in the neck and head area through alternating left/right movements. This means your horse can be much more relaxed when riding.

Image by Richard Burlton
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Offers a toy function


Working out the hay is a real challenge, even for particularly intelligent horses. That's why it's particularly important that you give your horse the time it needs to find out which tricks are needed to let the hay slide down. So our HeuToy is not just one for your horse Pastime, but a beloved toy with a rewarding effect. What bad things how cribbing, weaving and aggression towards the box neighbor can significantly improve.

Creates security

Our HeuToy offers your horse the maximumpaint security. A stepping in or hangingstay is almostimpossible. The material is designed to be resilient even at temperatures of -20°Cibt and doesn't splinter, even if your horse jumps against it, the HeuToy remains flexible. A special knotting technique for the suspension ropes or our Kopper protection offers even greater security against injuries and horse mischief.

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Is uniquely rationable


The floor slats and the bottom row of feeding openings can be individually adjusted to 3 levels of difficulty for each horse as required. This means that, depending on the horse's character, the quality of the hay and the hanging position of the HeuToy, you can limit your P.'s eating timeferdes determinen. The smaller you make the floor slats and holes, the fThe more you press the hay in and the more freely you hang the HeuToy, the longer the horse needs to feed.

Highly durable material

We use HDPE plastic manufactured exclusively for us in Germany. This is bite-proof, splinter-proof, elastic, fungus and mold resistant, i.ecan be infected and, most importantly, food-safe. The HeuToy is slightly wider in diameter in the lower third, so that the hay is on the smooth surface
Inside can slide better. In addition, the special lotus structure on the outside has a dirt-repellent effect.

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Long durability


The lifespan of our HeuToy depends on the horse's character and type of use. TrotFrom being thrown, kicked and pushed every day, thousands of customers report a long lifeduration of sometimes over 6 years. If you follow our included instructions for use, your horse will enjoy it for a long time. You can also find all spare parts in our shop.

Big cost and time savings


Filling the HeuToy is noticeably slowFaster and easier than with conventional hay nets or hay bags. Through this painstakingly outAs the hay is being worked on, no stalk will fall to the ground unnoticed. This means that the horse feed is no longer contaminatedd be found trampled on the ground. This not only means you have significantly less manure, but you can also protect your horse against mud and thrush.

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Image by Philippe Oursel


Kunden auf der Pferd & Jagd in Hannover

Wilde Islandpferde


... want to offer your horse hay for over 24 hours without causing obesity.

​... you have an easy-feeding horse that needs to lose weight due to illness.

... want to offer your horse a variety that works for a long time.

... you want to eliminate the risk of accidents caused by climbing in and getting stuck.

... want to feed wet hay without having to worry about moisture build-up, which promotes bacteria and rot

... you want to save money because hay no longer falls carelessly to the ground and is used as bedding.


... you want to give your hay dust allergy sufferer the opportunity to eat dry hay again.

The story of HeuToy

My name is Udo Röck, I am the inventor and developer of HeuToy. Inventing new things and optimizing existing ones has always been my great passion. In our small family business in Upper Swabia, we develop tried and tested products with heart and passion.

The development story of HeuToy is more than simple. I worked in the agricultural trade for a while and always maintained friendly contact with farmers. One day when I came to one of my customers, I saw that he was filling his hay nets using my first invention, the sack bin. ( I was thrilled and at the same time very interested in why my customer had converted the sack bin. He told me about the enormous time savings when filling the hay nets and that he had to sneeze significantly less because the quick and easy filling meant he inhaled less hay dust.

Once an inventor, always an inventor... It was already bubbling in my head. And I asked myself whether it was possible to develop a product from the sack bin and the hay net that could be used directly for feeding. I found out about feeding horses with hay. What was important, what were the problems, what would be the optimal feeding…? With accumulated knowledge, I then got to work and developed today's HeuToy from my sack bin. After an extensive test phase and numerous improvements, the HeuToy has been on the market since 2011 and has helped over 30,000 horses to eat natural and healthy feed.

Image by Joseph Daniel


Step 1


Press the button and discover our HeuToy range. From hanging devices to spare parts, we have thought of everything.

step 2

Place your desired items in the Waren't basket.

step 3


We will conveniently send your selected HeuToy item to your home within 3-4 working days, complete with simple assembly and operating instructions.



Is the HeuToy available with different feeding openings?​

Yes, there is the HeuToy Original with a feeding opening diameter of 7 cm and a HeuToy Mini with a feeding opening diameter of 5 cm. The HeuToy-Mini is suitable for small pony or donkey noses. However, this is also done with ponies There are no errors with the HeuToy Original, customers report that even Shettys get along well with the HeuToy Original and have to eat their hay despite the 7 cm feeding opening.

How many kg Hay holds theres HayToy?

Das HeuToy-Original, fasst ca.5-7 kg Heu (120l). Das HeuToy-Flex, mit kleinem Rand (15 cm höher als das Original), fasst ca. 6-8 kg Heu (130l). Das HeuToy-Flex, mit großem Rand (27,5 cm höher als das Original), fasst ca. 7-9 kg Heu (140l). Das HeuSackToy, fasst in Größe S ca. 3 kg Heu (50l), in Größe M ca. 4 kg (70l) und in Größe L ca. 6 kg (105l). Das HeuToy-Mini fasst ca. 1-4 kg Heu. Die Füllmenge richtet sich bei allen unseren Slow Feedern nach Heuqualität und Fülldichte.

What material is the HeuToy made of?

Das HeuToy besteht aus HDPE (Polyethylen). HDPE ist eine umweltschonende Kunststoffart, die für ihre Robustheit, Widerstandsfähigkeit und enorme UV-Beständigkeit bekannt ist. Gerade auch in der Lebensmittelindustrie ist dieser Kunststoff für Verpackungen sehr gefragt. Es ist hochelastisch und splittert nicht, auch nicht, wenn sich dein mPferd drauf stellt! Das Material formt sich immer wieder zurück oder wie unsere Kunden gerne sagen: „Es ploppt sich wieder auf.“

Where will the HeuToy Mmaterial produced?

Wir verwenden ausschließlich Rohmaterial, das in Deutschland produziert wird. Somit ist unser HeuToy ein echtes „Made in Germany“ Produkt.

Is the HeuToy easy to fill?

Unsere HeuToys haben eine sehr lange Haltbarkeit, die bei richtiger Aufhängung (am besten freischwingend) viele Jahre betragen kann. Kundenstimmen berichten von über 6 Jahren mit ein und demselben HeuToy. Einzelne Ersatzteile können problemlos in unserem Shop nachbestellt werden.

How long does a hay toy last?

Ja, unser HeuToy ist wesentlich einfacher und schneller zu füllen als herkömmliche Heunetze oder Heusäcke. Der Deckel des Heutoys kann nach dem Abhängen ganz einfach nach oben und dann auf die Seite gezogen werden. Durch das stabile Material ist nun eine einfache Befüllung in Sekundenschnelle möglich.

Is there a risk of injury with the HeuToy?

Im Gegensatz zu Heunetz, Heusack und Heuraufen Fütterung, besteht bei unserem HeuToy kein Verletzungsrisiko. Die Fressöffnungen sind so klein, dass dein Pferd nicht hineintreten kann. Die Seilaufhängungen können zum Schutz, so verknotet werden, dass kein Pferdekopf sich darin verheddern kann. Siehe VIDEO: Oder du bestellst in unserem Shop den Schutztrichter, der wie ein Hut über den Seilen platziert wird.

Is the HeuToy weatherproof?

Ja, unser aus HDPE gefertigter HeuToy ist UV-beständig, elastisch und stabil bis zu -20 °C. Somit kann es in der Box sowie auf der Koppel Verwendung finden, egal bei welchem Wetter. Eindringendes Wasser wird durch die Bodenlamellen einfach wieder abgeleitet und es kann sich kein Nässestau bilden, der Bakterien und Fäulnis begünstigt.

Can I reorder spare parts?

Ja, in unserem Shop findest du zu jedem unserer Artikel das passende Ersatzteil, somit hast du und dein Pferd über Jahre Freude an unseren Produkten.

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